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Source tarballs:

Win32 binaries:

Debian GNU/Linux

You can also get ptyaim as an apt source for i386 and PowerPC.  Add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb stable main

To install:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install ptyaim ptyaim-oscar ptyaim-irc

Solaris (SPARC)

To install:

# pkgadd -d ptyaim-0.5.7-SunOS_5.8_sun4u.pkg

OpenBSD (i386)

To install:

# pkg_add ptyaim-0.5.7-OpenBSD_3.8_i386.tgz

In general, on supported systems you can build a binary package with "make pkg" in the ptyaim source tree.  This should work for Debian, Solaris, and BSD.  If you want to create a package for another operating system, please contact me.

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